YAPC::NA 2011 • Asheville, NC

Submitted talks: 156
Accepted talks: 103


2011 5 5.14 6 acmeism advocacy algorithm and and_get_a_hat announcements anyevent app application apps apt architecture arduino asynchronous auctions autodie automation awesome beginner bioinformatics biology blead bread_board broadcast business business. c catalyst cloud command community computes conference content core coro cpan cpanminus craft culture dancer data data::manager data_structure dbic dbix::class deployment dev discovery doc documentation drug education employment event events eventy extraction facebook fighting_robots forms frameworks fuck future game games gaps getopt getting git grammar html http http::proxy in infosec introduction journal jpa klingon lamp langauges large line liners logging mac maintenance man marketing maths mechanize messaging metacpan middleware modules mojo mongodb monitoring moo moose mount multicore munging music networking ninjas noobs objects one operators organization organizing oriented out packaging parallel parrot parsing path_router performance perl perl5 perl5i perl6 perl: perldoc perlmongers photography php plack pod poe power_tools programming programming. project psgi pumpkin rakudo raptor reactive refactoring reflex regex research rest roles scalability scale school science security selenium sequencing server service services shadow shell site soap stackato static structures sysadmin syslog tatsumaki tbb telecommute template termcast test testing threads to unix vala versioncontrol virtualmachine vm web web::simple web_services xml zeromq


No track

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Abigail ‎The Business Aware Programmer‎ 50 minutes 27/06/11 17:15
Mark Allen (‎mallen‎) ‎Intro to Dancer‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 29/06/11 14:20
Doug Bell (‎preaction‎) ‎Testing with PSGI‎ 20 minutes 29/06/11 13:50
Robert Blackwell (‎rblackwe‎) ‎Communicating with Perl and Arduino‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 29/06/11 14:20
Rocco Caputo (‎rcaputo‎) ‎Reflex - How Does it Work?! (extended dance mix)‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 28/06/11 15:40
Piers Cawley (‎pdcawley‎) ‎Axes, Maths, Theremins and Other Tools for Change‎ 50 minutes 28/06/11 11:00
Robin Darby ‎Perl service-oriented architectures.‎ 50 minutes 29/06/11 10:00
Ingy döt Net (‎ingy‎) ‎Postmodern Module Packaging‎ 50 minutes 28/06/11 10:00
Kevin Falcone (‎jibsheet‎) ‎Shipwright: Application Distribution Simplified‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 29/06/11 10:00
Paul Fenwick (‎pjf‎) ‎The Art of Klingon Programming‎ 20 minutes 27/06/11 14:55
Solomon Foster (‎colomon‎) ‎Numerics in Perl 6‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 29/06/11 13:20
Mark Fowler (‎Trelane‎) ‎Pimp your Mac with Perl‎ 20 minutes 27/06/11 14:25
Nathan Gray (‎kolibrie‎) ‎Practical Extraction with Regexp::Grammars‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 27/06/11 17:15
Sterling Hanenkamp (‎zostay‎) ‎Telecommuting. Or How to survive work without a water cooler.‎ 50 minutes 27/06/11 16:15
Your Name Here ‎Tutorial placeholder‎ 360 minutes 01/07/11 10:00
Your Name Here ‎Tutorial placeholder‎ 420 minutes 30/06/11 10:00
Jonathan Hogue ‎Using HTTP::Proxy to Monitor Web Site Performance‎ 20 minutes 29/06/11 11:30
Mateu Hunter (‎mateu‎) ‎1 App 4 Frameworks‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 29/06/11 14:50
James E Keenan (‎kid51‎) ‎Open Source Software Projects: Two Stages and Ten Questions‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
20 minutes 27/06/11 16:15
Steven Lembark (‎Lembark‎) ‎Lazyness is a Virtue -- especially for data loading.‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 28/06/11 10:00
Duke Leto ‎Visual Introduction to Parrot Virtual Machine‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 29/06/11 10:00
Brad Lhotsky ‎InfoSec: The Advanced Persistent Adversary and You‎ 50 minutes 28/06/11 15:40
Stevan Little (‎stevan‎) ‎Jackalope‎ 50 minutes 29/06/11 11:00
Jesse Luehrs (‎doy‎) ‎OX - The hardest working two letters in Perl‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 29/06/11 14:20
Daisuke Maki (‎lestrrat‎) ‎How To Run Japan Perl Association‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 27/06/11 14:55
Walt Mankowski (‎waltman‎) ‎Essential One-Liners‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 28/06/11 15:40
Scott Mattocks ‎Perl for PHP Developers‎ 50 minutes 27/06/11 16:15
Jason May (‎jasonmay‎) ‎Broadcasting your Programming‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 28/06/11 16:40
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa (‎miyagawa‎) ‎Deploying Plack web applications‎ 50 minutes 29/06/11 11:00
Shawn Moore (‎sartak‎) ‎Announcing Announcements‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
20 minutes 28/06/11 10:30
Matt Nash (‎mnb‎) ‎Perl Helped Me Graduate‎ 20 minutes 27/06/11 15:25
Christoph Otto (‎cotto‎) ‎Parrot: State of the VM‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 29/06/11 11:00
Chas. Owens (‎cowens‎) ‎Secret Operators: What happens when you treat operators like German.‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 28/06/11 14:20
Nova Patch (‎patch‎) ‎Modern Getopt for Command Line Processing‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 28/06/11 16:40
Karen Pauley ‎The Perl Foundation: Year in Review‎ 20 minutes 27/06/11 14:25
Chris Prather (‎perigrin‎) ‎Closing‎ 20 minutes 29/06/11 17:40
Chris Prather (‎perigrin‎) ‎Welcome‎ 25 minutes 27/06/11 10:00
Chris Prather (‎perigrin‎) ‎Welcome II‎ 5 minutes 27/06/11 11:30
Mark Prather (‎Trg404‎) ‎Marketing Perl‎ 20 minutes 28/06/11 13:50
Josh Rabinowitz (‎"joshr"‎) ‎Discovering Content Gaps‎ 20 minutes 28/06/11 16:40
Jacinta Richardson (‎jarich‎) ‎Perl Programming Best Practices 2011‎ 50 minutes 27/06/11 13:55
Jacinta Richardson (‎jarich‎) ‎Starting off correctly (CPAN, modules and testing)‎ 420 minutes 30/06/11 10:00
Jonathan Rockway (‎jrockway‎) ‎Intro to ZeroMQ‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 29/06/11 13:50
Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎) ‎Introduction to Moose‎ 420 minutes 30/06/11 10:00
Chip Salzenberg (‎Chip‎) ‎A Million-Player Game Server in Event-Driven Perl‎ 80 minutes 28/06/11 15:40
Stephen Scaffidi (‎hercynium‎) ‎Practical AnyEvent‎ 80 minutes 28/06/11 13:50
Arthur Schmidt (‎fREW‎) ‎DBIx::Class::Shadow‎ 20 minutes 28/06/11 14:50
Jay Shirley (‎jshirley‎) ‎Building better applications with Data::Manager‎ 50 minutes 29/06/11 10:00
Ricardo Signes (‎rjbs‎) ‎Perl 5.14 for Pragmatists‎ 50 minutes 28/06/11 10:00
JT Smith ‎The Game Crafter, A Perl Success Story‎
[ Abstract ]
50 minutes 28/06/11 14:20
JT Smith ‎Facebook Apps in 10 Minutes Or Less‎ 20 minutes 29/06/11 14:20
Kartik Thakore (‎kthakore‎) ‎Super Laser Battles: Game Development in Perl‎ 20 minutes 29/06/11 13:50
Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) ‎State of the Velociraptor‎ 50 minutes 29/06/11 15:40
Reini Urban (‎rurban‎) ‎use types;‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
50 minutes 28/06/11 13:20
Jesse Vincent ‎Perl 5.16 and Beyond‎ 50 minutes 28/06/11 11:00
Uwe Voelker (‎Perl-Uwe‎) ‎Sanitizing HTML 5 with Perl 5‎ 20 minutes 28/06/11 13:50
Larry Wall (‎TimToady‎) ‎Keynote Address‎ 50 minutes 27/06/11 10:25
Cory Watson (‎gphat‎) ‎How NOT to build a multi-million dollar eCommerce system‎ 50 minutes 27/06/11 14:55
Brock Wilcox (‎awwaiid‎) ‎POE, Reflex, Coro, AnyEvent, .... What and Why‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 28/06/11 11:00
Christoph Wild (‎xtoph‎) ‎Twitter on SEN Openstage 60/80 using Perl Catalyst‎ 20 minutes 29/06/11 11:00
Dan Wright (‎ehdonhon‎) ‎So, you want to run a Perl event?‎ 50 minutes 27/06/11 17:15
chromatic ‎Modern Advocacy for Modern Perl‎ 50 minutes 28/06/11 14:20


Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Aran Deltac (‎bluefeet‎) ‎Introduction to Perl: Regular Expressions‎ 20 minutes 27/06/11 14:55
Bruce Gray (‎Util‎) ‎Introduction to Perl: Data Structures‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 27/06/11 14:25
Len Jaffe (‎Len‎) ‎Introduction to CPAN: Creating and Uploading‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 27/06/11 17:45
G. Wade Johnson (‎gwadej‎) ‎Introduction to Perl: Testing‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 27/06/11 16:45
Michael Peters (‎mpeters‎) ‎Introduction to CPAN: Useful Modules‎ 20 minutes 27/06/11 17:15
Jacinta Richardson (‎jarich‎) ‎Introduction to Perl: Getting Data In and Out‎ 20 minutes 27/06/11 15:25
Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎) ‎Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in Perl‎
[ Talk ]
110 minutes 28/06/11 10:00
Ya'akov Sloman (‎Yaakov‎) ‎Getting the most out of YAPC‎ 20 minutes 27/06/11 09:30
Mark A. Stratman (‎mstratman‎) ‎Introduction to Perl: Documentation‎ 20 minutes 27/06/11 16:15

Lightning 1

talks during talk:3070

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) ‎Lightning Talks Day 1‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 27/06/11 11:35
John Anderson (‎genehack‎) ‎All Your Code Gonna Git Got‎ lightning  
Jan Dubois ‎Running Perl applications on the Stackato cloud platform‎ lightning  
Brian Duggan ‎Navigate with Toto‎ lightning  
Uri Guttman (‎uri‎) ‎Template Benchmarks‎ lightning  
Sterling Hanenkamp (‎zostay‎) ‎OWASP Top 10‎ lightning  
Duke Leto ‎Solgenomics : Slicing and Dicing Plant Genomes with Perl‎
[ Talk ]
Shawn Moore (‎sartak‎) ‎cpandoc: perldoc for modules you haven't installed yet‎ lightning  
Brad Oaks (‎bradoaks‎) ‎SQL so close I can paste it‎
[ Talk ]
Sam Vilain (‎mugwump‎) ‎Threading Perl with TBB‎ lightning  
Dan Wright (‎ehdonhon‎) ‎Pittsburgh Perl Workshop‎
[ Talk ]

Lightning 2

talks during talk:3071

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) ‎Lightning Talks Day 2‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 28/06/11 17:30
Abigail ‎A new operator‎ lightning  
Robert Blackwell (‎rblackwe‎) ‎Be active in perl events‎ lightning  
Perrin Harkins (‎perrin‎) ‎The Most Common Template Toolkit Mistake‎ lightning  
Jonathan Hogue ‎Driving firefox with perl‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
James E Keenan (‎kid51‎) ‎Beware the Brilliant Programmer!‎
[ Talk ]
Daisuke Maki (‎lestrrat‎) ‎CPAN Gems From The Far East‎
[ Talk ]
Nick Melnick (‎oZ‎) ‎Quick Intro to Vala‎ lightning  
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa (‎miyagawa‎) ‎Announcing Carton‎ lightning  
Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) ‎The Devil's REPL‎ lightning  
John Wang ‎Grokbase - Building a mailing list archive‎ lightning  

Lightning 3

talks during talk:3072

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) ‎Lightning Talks Day 3‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 29/06/11 16:40
Len Budney ‎Wringing Performance out of Perl‎
[ Talk ]
Piers Cawley (‎pdcawley‎) ‎A lightning song‎ lightning  
Mike Doherty ‎The Death of Tribal Knowledge‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
Brad Lhotsky ‎I run the Baltimore.pm‎ lightning  
Chas. Owens (‎cowens‎) ‎Handling unwanted job offers‎
[ Talk ]
Jacinta Richardson (‎jarich‎) ‎Stand up! Body language and presenting a talk‎ lightning  
Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎) ‎Courriel: Email for Perl‎ lightning  
Daniel Sterling (‎HighBit‎) ‎Centralized logging with rsyslog and logger.pl‎
[ Talk ]
Jan Vogel ‎Large-scale analysis and annotation of human genetic data‎ lightning English