Introduction to Moose
By Dave Rolsky (autarch) from
Date: Thursday, 30 June 2011 10:00
Duration: 420 minutes
Target audience: Beginner
Join us for an interactive hands-on course all about Moose, an OO system for Perl 5 that provides a simple declarative layer of "sugar" on top of a powerful, extensible meta-model.
With Moose, simple classes can be created without writing any subroutines, and complex classes can be simplified. Moose's features include a powerful attribute declaration system, type constraints and coercions, method modifiers ("before", "after", and "around"), a role system (like mixins on steroids), and more. Moose also has a vibrant ecosystem of extensions as seen in the variety of MooseX:: modules on CPAN.
This course will cover Moose's core features, go in depth on many of them, and explore some of the more powerful MooseX:: modules available on CPAN.
Students are expected to bring a laptop, as you will be writing code during the class. You will also be provided with a tarball a week or so before the class is scheduled. This will contain the exercises for the class.