Postmodern Module Packaging
By Ingy döt Net (ingy) from
Date: Tuesday, 28 June 2011 10:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Tags: acmeism modules packaging perl5 perl6
Do you ♥ your Modules? Want to take them to the future? Imagine a world where every Makefile.PL is one short line, your documentation writes itself, all your tests are just data (they run in Perl 6 as well), and getting a change to CPAN is just a 'make release' and a beer away. Confused? Come find clarity!
In this talk, Ingy döt Net will talk about Module::Package (the successor to Module::Install), Stardoc, TestML and other Acmeist module packaging tools.
This time slot was originally for "Cog - A Thoughtful Application Framework". My apologies, as appropriate.
- Todd Olson
- Nova Patch (patch)
- Yanick Champoux (Yanick)
- JT Smith
- Thomas Stanton (tstanton)
- Andrew Grangaard (spazm)
- Ingy döt Net (ingy)
- Buddy Burden (barefootcoder)
- William Fishburne (Brett)
- Nick Melnick (oZ)
- Mark A. Stratman (mstratman)
- Matt Nash (mnb)
- David Storrs (dstorrs)
- Kevin Polulak (soh_cah_toa)
- Justin Hunter (arcanez)
- Mike Doherty
- Stephen Scaffidi (hercynium)
- John Lightsey (J.D.)
- Reini Urban (rurban)
- Tim Elkins
- G. Wade Johnson (gwadej)