YAPC::NA 2011 • Asheville, NC

Sponsorship Contact Info

You can contact us at any time with questions or issues about sponsoring YAPC::NA 2011.

Why Sponsor YAPC::NA?

Perl is an Open Source and Open Community programming language, and among the top ten in the world. YAPC (Yet Another Perl Conference) is the group of premier annual Perl-specific conferences. This year YAPC::NA (North America) will be held at the Crowne Plaza Asheville, June 27st – 29th, 2010.

YAPC::NA has been a regularly attended annual conference since 1999, with delegates and speakers from around North America, UK, Europe and the world. Although the primary subject for tutorials and presentations is the Perl programming language, many Open Source projects, such as Parrot, Apache, MySQL and Linux, have been covered as well.

When a company sponsors YAPC they are really supporting the Perl language and the Perl community. The stronger the community becomes the more robust and the better the language becomes.

The YAPC conference is run on minimal cost basis so that a couple of objectives can be met:

  1. Educating the masses. Each year about a quarter of all attendees pay their own way to YAPC. Keeping registration fees reasonable means that we can maximize the number of people who can attend.
  2. YAPC gives back. The initial goal of the YAPC conference is to cover all of its costs; once all costs are resolved the remaining funds are given back to the community through grants. Funding YAPC equates to funding the future development of Perl.

Every donation makes a difference to the community. Sponsorship starts as little as $200.00 at the bronze level and goes all the way up to helping carry the conference for $10,000 at the platinum level.

Please take a moment and consider what your company can do to help the Perl Community through a donation to the YAPC conference. For more information please contact us at sponsors@yapc2011.us.

Brand and Product Awareness

The conference is attended by IT professionals — the majority of whom are from around North America, UK and Europe, with a small number from further overseas. Most of the attendees are Developers, System Administrators and Technical Architects, although there is also a significant proportion of CIO’s and CEOs. The impact of the conference can be felt far wider than the number of attendees – many open source websites, will feature references to YAPC::NA and attract high traffic, which will provide exposure for key sponsors.

Recruitment Opportunity

Historically YAPC::NA has attracted much of North America’s leading Perl talent, and the format of this conference will provide sponsors with a fantastic opportunity to have representatives on site to meet and discuss issues and opportunities with delegates.

Promote your Open Source Credentials

What better way to promote your organization’s commitment to leverage the benefits of Open Source technologies, than to sponsor an event such as the North American Perl Conference? By demonstrating a symbiotic relationship with the grass roots of a large Open Source movement such as the North American Perl Community, you can demonstrate a level of understanding and commitment to Open Source that will distinguish yourself from your competitors.

Tax Deductible Contributions

The YAPC Conference is a part of the Perl Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization based in Holland, Michigan. Contributions made to the YAPC Conference may be tax deductible. More information on the tax status of The Perl Foundation can be found at https://donate.perlfoundation.org/ .

Levels of Sponsorship

The YAPC experience is funded by our many sponsors so please take a moment and review the different sponsorship levels.

Platinum Sponsorship ($10,000 — Limit 5)

  • 10 Conference session passes (not including Tutorials).
  • The sponsor receives room naming rights and multiple branding options.
  • Company name, logo, and 100 word description on the conference website (subject to deadline)

Gold Sponsorship ($5,000)

  • 8 Conference session passes (not including Tutorials).
  • The sponsor receives break or BOF naming rights and a single branding option.
  • Company name, logo, and 75 word description on the conference website (subject to deadline)

Silver Sponsorship ($1,000)

  • 4 Conference session passes (not including Tutorials).
  • The sponsor receives a single branding option.
  • Company name, logo, and 75 word description on the conference website (subject to deadline)

Bronze Sponsorship ($200)

  • 1 Conference session passes (not including Tutorials).
  • Company name, logo, and 50 word description on the conference website (subject to deadline)

Custom packages are available. Please contact us at sponsors@yapc2011.us for details and pricing.

Sponsors Promotional Material

There will be a small area in the registration room set aside for the distribution of promotional material. Larger promotional items may also be used by arrangement.

Auction Items

The Auction, held at the Tuesday evening Banquet, is a way of offsetting Conference costs and making a general contribution to the Perl Foundation. Auction items are either purchased with sponsorship money or colleted from sponsors directly. Any sponsor wishing to make an item(s) donations to the banquet please contact sponsors@yapc2011.us with the details. Such items might be: Technical or Programming Books, Electronic or Computer Equipment, Electronic Gadgets, or any general items that would interest a technical attendee. For other ideas please contact sponsors@yapc2011.us.

The Perl Foundation (TPF)

The Perl Foundation is a legally registered DBA (Doing Business As) name of “Yet Another Society”. The foundation incorporated as “Yet Another Society”, so that’s the name you’ll see in the earlier documents. These days we mainly use the name The Perl Foundation, because it does a better job of explaining what we do. The Perl Foundation is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization based in Holland, Michigan.

General Information

Sponsorship Check Payments are to be made to:

        Yet Another Society 
        6832 Mulderstraat 
        Grand Ledge, MI 48837

Online donations can be made at https://donate.perlfoundation.org. When making an online donation please make sure to choose ‘Conferences and Workshops’ in the ‘For’ field or include a comment that the money is to be used for the YAPC::NA Conference.

The YAPC::NA 2011 organization team consists of Development Managers and Senior Software Engineers for their respective companies, along with a willing group of volunteers from the Dahut Perl Mongers user group.