Telecommuting. Or How to survive work without a water cooler.
By Sterling Hanenkamp (zostay) from
Date: Monday, 27 June 2011 16:15
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Tags: telecommute
This is not specifically a Perl topic, but the Perl community has a fair share of telecommuting workers. Telecommuting is appealing for many reasons, but also presents some special challenges as well.
I hope to cover the basics of what being a telecommuter is like, some pros and cons, and some dos and don'ts. I will especially provide suggestions on how workers can improve communication, when regular face time with coworkers is not an option.
- Dave Rolsky (autarch)
- Jesse Vincent
- Mark Jubenville (ioncache)
- Arthur Schmidt (fREW)
- Stephen Scaffidi (hercynium)
- Kirby Krueger
- Brock Wilcox (awwaiid)
- Kenneth Graves (kag)
- Matthew Horsfall (alh)
- Yanick Champoux (Yanick)
- Rick Bolen
- Ricardo Signes (rjbs)
- Michael Peters (mpeters)
- jerry gay (particle)
- Michael Aquilina (aquilina)
- Brad Lhotsky
- Joe Kline (gizmo)
- Stan Schwertly (stan_theman)
- John Anderson (genehack)
- William Fishburne (Brett)
- Brigham Johnson (Brig)
- Chris Fedde (cfedde)
- Matt Nash (mnb)
- Jonathan Hogue
- Josh Rabinowitz ("joshr")
- Michael Kröll (pepl)
- Matt Reinhart
- Uwe Voelker (Perl-Uwe)
- Mike Weisenborn
- Brad Oaks (bradoaks)
- Matt Phillips (mattp)
- Sterling Hanenkamp (zostay)
- John Ellyson
- Marcus Del Greco
- Andrew Nelson
- Jay Hannah (jhannah)
- Paul Fenwick (pjf)
- Mike Doherty
- Chas. Owens (cowens)
- Tim Elkins