Building better applications with Data::Manager
By Jay Shirley (jshirley) from
Date: Wednesday, 29 June 2011 10:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Tags: data::manager forms web
Data::Manager combines Message::Stack and Data::Verifier. This combination comes together synergistically so you can build web applications that don't suck. We don't use form generators, reflectors or any of that. Just raw, uncut but high quality markup and code.
Attend this talk to learn the outcome of 3 years of experimentation, trial, errors and ideas.
The focus is on technique and uses Catalyst as a medium (with TT). The techniques should be useful with any framework.
- JT Smith
- Stevan Little (stevan)
- Shawn Moore (sartak)
- Arthur Schmidt (fREW)
- Stephen Scaffidi (hercynium)
- Brad Lhotsky
- Mark Jubenville (ioncache)
- Brock Wilcox (awwaiid)
- Matt Phillips (mattp)
- Nova Patch (patch)
- Ricardo Signes (rjbs)
- Michael Edmonds
- Devin Austin (dhoss)
- Cory Watson (gphat)
- Todd Rinaldo (toddr)
- Kevin Smith
- Ali Nabavi (hourback)
- Kevin Shaum
- John Anderson (genehack)
- Philip Kanzleiter
- Mark A. Stratman (mstratman)
- Jesse Luehrs (doy)
- Chris Fedde (cfedde)
- John Wang
- Brigham Johnson (Brig)
- Andrew Rodland (hobbs)
- Uwe Voelker (Perl-Uwe)
- Mike Weisenborn
- Justin Hunter (arcanez)
- Michael Aquilina (aquilina)
- James Mastros (theorbtwo)
- Andrew Nelson
- Greg Estep
- Jay Hannah (jhannah)
- Mike Doherty
- Mary Ehlers