YAPC::NA 2011 • Asheville, NC

State of the Velociraptor
By Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) from northwestengland.pm, dahut.pm, drinkers.pm, lgbt.pm
Date: Wednesday, 29 June 2011 15:40
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Beginner
Tags: community fuck perl5 raptor

Contents may include, but are not limited to:

- This year in perl 5.

- This year in its community.

- People. Projects. Cool stuff. Ways to get involved.

- And most importantly:

Can you train a velociraptor with a chainsaw?

All this and more as mst attempts another rollercoaster ride through the past,
present and future of perl 5, probably with a focus on the previous year,
possibly with a coherent theme (no guarantee, express or implied), and
almost certainly with blatant attempts to attract more of the heckling that
made this so much fun last year.

Turn up. It'll be fun.

Attended by: