Perl 5.14 for Pragmatists
By Ricardo Signes (rjbs)
Date: Tuesday, 28 June 2011 10:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Beginner
Tags: 5.14
Every new release of Perl comes with a big list of changes, plenty of which seem carefully worded to make the average Perl programmer wonder, "Wait, do I care about this? What the heck is the global interpreter phase?" Perl 5.14 is chocked full of great improvements will actually be useful in day to day programming, and this talk focuses on those, leaving the weird esoterica for another day.
Attended by:- William Fishburne (Brett)
- Tim Heaney (oylenshpeegul)
- Chip Salzenberg (Chip)
- Kevin Smith
- Lee Aylward (leedo)
- Stevan Little (stevan)
- Shawn Moore (sartak)
- Jesse Vincent
- Mark Jubenville (ioncache)
- Arthur Schmidt (fREW)
- Kirby Krueger
- Brad Lhotsky
- Kenneth Graves (kag)
- Todd Olson
- gordon gvanamburg
- Matthew Horsfall (alh)
- Jason Crome (CromeDome)
- Matt Phillips (mattp)
- Olaf Alders (oalders)
- Andy Gorman (agorman)
- Ricardo Signes (rjbs)
- Michael Edmonds
- Dave Doyle (meraxes)
- Michael Peters (mpeters)
- Jonathan Swartz
- jerry gay (particle)
- Cory Watson (gphat)
- Todd Rinaldo (toddr)
- Michael Aquilina (aquilina)
- Adam Prime (jsut)
- Kiran Kumar (mkirank)
- William McKee (knowmad)
- Joe Kline (gizmo)
- Aran Deltac (bluefeet)
- Stan Schwertly (stan_theman)
- Kevin Shaum
- Sam Vilain (mugwump)
- John Anderson (genehack)
- Dan Wright (ehdonhon)
- Bruce Gray (Util)
- John Wang
- David Storrs (dstorrs)
- Brigham Johnson (Brig)
- Jacob Gelbman
- Andrew Rodland (hobbs)
- Daniel Sterling (HighBit)
- Michael Kröll (pepl)
- Uwe Voelker (Perl-Uwe)
- Kevin Falcone (jibsheet)
- Jess Robinson (castaway)
- Brian Gernhardt (benabik)
- Robert Blackwell (rblackwe)
- Brad Oaks (bradoaks)
- Sterling Hanenkamp (zostay)
- James Mastros (theorbtwo)
- Mohammed Chaudhry (Mo)
- Mary Ehlers
- James Engel (Jim)
- Jonathan Rockway (jrockway)
- Andrew Nelson
- Chris Fedde (cfedde)
- Jan Dubois
- Walt Mankowski (waltman)
- Paul Driver (frodwith)
- Paul Fenwick (pjf)
- Jay Hannah (jhannah)
- Rocco Caputo (rcaputo)