Talks in bold type have been confirmed by their respective speakers.

Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Time Summerlin Princeton Anderson Delaney
08:59 ‎Sponsor expo begins‎ (0 min)
09:00 Gabor Szabo (‎szabgab‎) - ‎Getting started with modern web development in Perl‎ (50 min, English) [Beginner] 15 David Golden (‎xdg‎) - ‎Practical Consistency‎ (50 min, English) 24 Doug Bell (‎preaction‎) - ‎Writing Effective Documentation‎ (20 min, English) 14 D Ruth Bavousett (‎druthb‎) - ‎Everyone's a Critic: A Constructive Look at perlcritic‎ (50 min, English) 35
09:30 Doug Bell (‎preaction‎) - ‎Introduction to Rex‎ (20 min, English) 15
10:00 Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎) - ‎Perl 6 for beginners -- part 1 of 2‎ (50 min, English) [Beginner] 23 Brad Lhotsky - ‎Everything You Never Knew You Wanted to Ask About Time Series Databases‎ (50 min, English) 13 Logan Bell (‎epochbell‎) - ‎Immutable and Continuous Deployments‎ (20 min, English) 15 Henry Van Styn (‎vanstyn‎) - ‎Hands-on RapidApp: from bootstrapping to dockerized deployment‎ (50 min, English) 24
10:30 Paul Johnson - ‎Distributed Nmap Scanning with Perl‎ (20 min, English) 11
10:50 ‎Refreshment break‎ (10 min)
11:00 Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎) - ‎Basic OO in Perl 6‎ (50 min, ) [Beginner] 28 Steven Lembark (‎Lembark‎) - ‎Hashing a Tree: Glacier hashes, FP, and Perl‎ (50 min, English) 6 Jason Crome (‎CromeDome‎) - ‎Logging and Analytics using Perl and fluentd‎ (50 min, English) 25 Gonzalo Diethelm (‎gonzo‎) - ‎Finding dead code, the quick and easy way, with Devel::QuickCover‎ (20 min, English) 36
11:30 Dan Wright (‎ehdonhon‎) - ‎So, you want to host a Perl event?‎ (20 min, ) 16
12:00 ‎Lunch break‎ (90 min)
13:30 James E Keenan (‎kid51‎) - ‎A Taste of Taxonomies‎ (20 min, English) [Beginner] 10 John Anderson (‎genehack‎) - ‎Modern Perl for the Unfrozen Paleolithic Perl Programmer‎ (20 min, English) 43 R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) - ‎Jenkins 101: Getting started‎ (20 min, ) 19 Dana Jacobsen (‎danaj‎) - ‎Userspace entropy: You too can dabble in voodoo!‎ (20 min, English) 18
14:00 DrForr - ‎From Regular Expressions to Javascript - Learn Perl6 Grammars‎ (50 min, ) [Beginner] 10 Lee Johnson - ‎Battling a legacy schema with DBIx::Class‎ (50 min, English) 17 Daisuke Maki (‎lestrrat‎) - ‎Intro to JSON Schema with Go, and Generating Validators And Skeletons‎ (50 min, English) 17 Daina Pettit - ‎Perl's Worst Best Practices‎ (50 min, English) 52
15:00 R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) - ‎Beginner Track Lightning Talks Day 2‎ (50 min, ) 30 Josh Lavin (‎digory‎) - ‎Stranger in a Strange Land: PostgreSQL for MySQL users‎ (20 min, English) 22 Walt Mankowski (‎waltman‎) - ‎Secrets of the dead: What modern programmers can learn from COBOL‎ (20 min, English) 20 atoomic - ‎Perl dependencies: playing with %INC and profiling memory‎ (50 min, English) 12
15:30 Abigail - ‎Sharding a database‎ (20 min, English) 23 Vickenty Fesunov - ‎Writing Perl extensions in Rust‎ (20 min, English) 15
15:50 ‎Refreshment break‎ (15 min)
16:05 Ricardo Signes (‎rjbs‎) - ‎The Ongoing Disaster That Is Perl 5‎ (30 min, English) 89
16:35 ‎Announcements‎ (5 min)
16:40 Art Eaton - ‎The Dark Art of Boatbuilding and Project Management‎ (75 min, ) 74
17:55 ‎Dinner break‎ (125 min)
20:00 ‎Social - Dessert and Drinks‎ (240 min)