The Ongoing Disaster That Is Perl 5

The Ongoing Disaster That Is Perl 5

By Ricardo Signes (‎rjbs‎)
Date: Tuesday, 21 June 2016 16:05
Duration: 30 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: tirefires

After five releases of Perl 5, Ricardo Signes has stepped down as pumpking. In this address, Rik will reflect on his accomplishments, rest on his laurels, and fall on his sword. Mostly, though, he'll talk about the changes in perl v5.24.0 and some of the changes yet to come.

Attended by: Robert Threet (‎RAT‎), Tom Browder (‎tbrowder‎), Marcos Laborde, James Lenz (‎Jim‎), David H. Adler (‎dha‎), Damian Conway (‎damian‎), Chris Shelton, James E Keenan (‎kid51‎), Lee Johnson, Robert Blackwell (‎rblackwe‎), Turd Furgison (‎fartfart‎), gary, Mike Weisenborn, Steve Nolte (‎mcsnolte‎), Tushar Dave, Ruben Amortegui, Jason Crome (‎CromeDome‎), Matt Creenan, Michael LaGrasta, Alexander Vipach, Victor Stevko, Michael South (‎msouth‎), Stevan Little (‎stevan‎), Rish, Ross Steiner (‎rdsteiner‎), Jeff Till, Adam Boyers, Thomas Glase, Mickey Nasriachi (‎Mickey‎), Paul Johnson, Eric Ellis (‎jellisii‎), Jed Cunningham, D Ruth Bavousett (‎druthb‎), Matthew Horsfall (‎alh‎), Deven Corzine (‎deven‎), Aaron Nelson, Greg Cole (‎wingfold‎), Aran Deltac (‎bluefeet‎), atoomic, Dylan Hardison (‎dylan‎), Henry Van Styn (‎vanstyn‎), Leonard Harris, Gabriel Munoz (‎gabriel‎), Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎), Cody Brown (‎cbrown‎), Gonzalo Diethelm (‎gonzo‎), Chuck Hardin, Douglas Schrag (‎dmaestro‎), Beth Rhinelander, Mark Gardner (‎mjgardner‎), Chip Salzenberg (‎Chip‎), Brad Lhotsky, Adam Engle, Brent Laabs (‎labster‎), Buddy Burden (‎barefootcoder‎), Rob N ★ (‎robn‎), Nathan Dyck, Thomas McKernan, Niall Durham (‎dbcooper‎), Galen Charlton, Jeremy Holland, Ian O'Toole, Lindsey Bavousett (‎Spyder‎), brian carlson, Rob, John Anderson (‎genehack‎), Randal Schwartz (‎merlyn‎), Brian Kelly, Scott Duff (‎perlpilot‎), Kivanc Yazan, Doug Bell (‎preaction‎), Jon Gentle (‎atrodo‎), Dana Jacobsen (‎danaj‎), Julian Brown, Aaron Staves (‎astaves‎), Michael Hamlin (‎myrrhlin‎), Russ Brewer (‎Russ‎), Walt Mankowski (‎waltman‎), Tom Green (‎Tom‎), Brad Oaks (‎bradoaks‎), Ben Rosengart, Thomas Stanton (‎tstanton‎), Bruce Gray (‎Util‎), Miller Hall, Joelle Maslak, Jim Toth, R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎), David Hand (‎Ptolemarch‎), Ricardo Signes (‎rjbs‎),