Sharding a database

Sharding a database

By Abigail from,,
Date: Tuesday, 21 June 2016 15:30
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: databases engeneering perl

When an organization grows, the database(s) it may reach a point
where it will be reaching one or more of its resource limits. Action
will be needed, and one of the solutions is to use a sharded setup;
that is, having several databases with identical structure, and
data residing in one (or subset) of the databases.

At, we have several sharded databases. In this talk,
we will look how we transformed a highly volatile database to a
sharded setup, without its users noticing and how Perl helped us
to achieve this.

Attended by: Todd Rinaldo (‎toddr‎), Jeff Till, Steve Nolte (‎mcsnolte‎), James Lenz (‎Jim‎), Tushar Dave, Alexander Vipach, Victor Stevko, Cody Brown (‎cbrown‎), Greg Cole (‎wingfold‎), Henry Van Styn (‎vanstyn‎), Gabriel Munoz (‎gabriel‎), Chuck Hardin, Mark Gardner (‎mjgardner‎), Michael LaGrasta, Rob, Doug Bell (‎preaction‎), Josh Lavin (‎digory‎), Julian Brown, Walt Mankowski (‎waltman‎), Miller Hall, Douglas Schrag (‎dmaestro‎), Brad Oaks (‎bradoaks‎), David Hand (‎Ptolemarch‎),