YAPC::NA 2011 • Asheville, NC

Talks in bold type have been confirmed by their respective speakers.

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Time Mt. Mitchell Mt. Roan Mt. Pisgah Mt. Pilot Magnolia Swannanoa
09:00 ‎Breakfast‎ (60 min)
10:00 Robin Darby - ‎Perl service-oriented architectures.‎ (50 min, ) 20 Duke Leto - ‎Visual Introduction to Parrot Virtual Machine‎ (50 min, ) 25 Jay Shirley (‎jshirley‎) - ‎Building better applications with Data::Manager‎ (50 min, ) 36 Kevin Falcone (‎jibsheet‎) - ‎Shipwright: Application Distribution Simplified‎ (50 min, ) 35 ‎Free Space‎ (110 min) ‎Organizer's Room / Speaker's Lounge‎ (110 min)
11:00 Stevan Little (‎stevan‎) - ‎Jackalope‎ (50 min, ) 43 Christoph Otto (‎cotto‎) - ‎Parrot: State of the VM‎ (50 min, ) 27 Christoph Wild (‎xtoph‎) - ‎Twitter on SEN Openstage 60/80 using Perl Catalyst‎ (20 min, ) 6 Tatsuhiko Miyagawa (‎miyagawa‎) - ‎Deploying Plack web applications‎ (50 min, ) 62
11:30 Jonathan Hogue - ‎Using HTTP::Proxy to Monitor Web Site Performance‎ (20 min, ) 13
11:50 ‎Lunch‎ (90 min)
13:20 Solomon Foster (‎colomon‎) - ‎Numerics in Perl 6‎ (50 min, ) 15 ‎Free Space (2)‎ (110 min) ‎Organizer's Room / Speaker's Lounge (2)‎ (110 min)
13:50 Kartik Thakore (‎kthakore‎) - ‎Super Laser Battles: Game Development in Perl‎ (20 min, ) 27 Jonathan Rockway (‎jrockway‎) - ‎Intro to ZeroMQ‎ (20 min, ) 43 Doug Bell (‎preaction‎) - ‎Testing with PSGI‎ (20 min, ) 31
14:20 Jesse Luehrs (‎doy‎) - ‎OX - The hardest working two letters in Perl‎ (50 min, ) 45 JT Smith - ‎Facebook Apps in 10 Minutes Or Less‎ (20 min, ) 20 Mark Allen (‎mallen‎) - ‎Intro to Dancer‎ (50 min, ) 19 Robert Blackwell (‎rblackwe‎) - ‎Communicating with Perl and Arduino‎ (50 min, ) 26
14:50 Mateu Hunter (‎mateu‎) - ‎1 App 4 Frameworks‎ (20 min, ) 15
15:10 ‎Break‎ (30 min)
15:40 Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) - ‎State of the Velociraptor‎ (50 min, ) 90 ‎Organizer's Room / Speaker's Lounge (3)‎ (170 min)
16:40 R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) - ‎Lightning Talks Day 3‎ (50 min, ) [Lightning] 82
17:40 Chris Prather (‎perigrin‎) - ‎Closing‎ (20 min, ) 72
18:30 ‎Bad Movie BOF‎ (330 min)