YAPC::NA 2007

June 25-27, Houston, TX

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Pick up your copy of someone's PresentationSlides.

Share a ride at Departures by air

Attendee from abroad? Check SkyCheck for cheapest flights to Houston, TX.

It is certainly too late to be a speaker for a Lightning Talk. The schedule is now available.

See Randal's "fire @ the hilton" pictures.

The Cougar Den mural explained (sort of).

Recent Changes


Thursday and Friday, June 28-29, Oberholtzer Hall



Get on IRC: irc.pobox.com port 7001, join #yapc and heckle the speakers.


BOF stands for "Birds of Feather". These are smaller, less formal, self-organized meetings.
Let's attempt to set up a BOF schedule.


(Don't make them touch. You never make them touch!)
Catalyst BOF
CGI::Application BOF
CPAN Testers BOF
Mason BOF - focused on Mason 2.0
Parrot BOF
PEP BOF - The Perl Email Project
PerlMonks BOF
Perl Teachers and Trainers BOF
PGP Keysigning
Vanilla Perl BOF

Food and Fun

Jam BOF --- for the musically-inclined
MST3K II: Electric Boogaloo BOF
Veggie BOF
Astros BOF
SpaceCenter Visit
Juggle BOF - we'll join the U of H juggleclub
TexMex BOF

Places to Stay

Houston Map with all places of interest
University Hilton
Club Quarters
Private Apartments
Who's Staying Where
see also: http://conferences.mongueurs.net/yn2007/accommodations.html

Places to Eat

Kosher and Vegan
On Campus
Close to Campus

Other Activities

Social Activities Resources
Pre-YAPC Goings-on
Post-YAPC Goings-on
Wellness/Recreation Center
Bowling Scores


Please tag images on Flickr with "yapcna2007".
Randal Schwartz (‎merlyn‎)'s Flickr collection (I will add you as contact so you can add tags, just ask!)
You can also join and add them to the flickr YAPC group pool.


Arrivals by air
Departures by air
Ground Transportation to/from Airports
I will need parking on campus


Questions - Feel free to post questions and answers
Feedback - post feedback and comments


Archived material moved to the Archives page.

Last modified: 06/28/10 12:57 PM by Tobias Steiner

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