YAPC::NA 2007

June 25-27, Houston, TX

List of talks

Submitted talks: 68
Accepted talks: 58

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Abigail ‎Sudoku by Regexp‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 06/25/07 04:05 PM
Abigail ‎Perl 5.10 regular expressions‎ 50 minutes 06/26/07 09:25 AM
Barbie ‎Using Phrasebooks - A Design Pattern‎ 20 minutes 06/27/07 09:50 AM
Barbie ‎Preparing For CPAN‎ 50 minutes 06/26/07 01:30 PM
Barbie ‎How To Be A CPAN Tester‎ 50 minutes 06/25/07 01:55 PM
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) ‎Lightning Talks‎
[ Abstract ]
90 minutes 06/27/07 01:30 PM
Robert Blackwell (‎rblackwe‎) ‎Making an AJAX GUI for GNU Screen.‎ 50 minutes 06/25/07 01:55 PM
José Castro (‎cog‎) ‎The Acme Namespace - 20 minutes, 100 modules‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 06/27/07 10:20 AM
José Castro (‎cog‎) ‎How to get the most out of a YAPC (keynote)‎ 20 minutes 06/25/07 09:00 AM
José Castro (‎cog‎) ‎How NOT to write a Perl résumé and how NOT to behave in an interview‎ 20 minutes 06/26/07 09:50 AM
lukec ‎Juggling for Geeks‎ 20 minutes 06/26/07 09:00 AM
lukec ‎Hacktastic Wiki Tricks‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 06/25/07 01:55 PM
lukec ‎Agile Testing with Selenium‎ 50 minutes 06/26/07 10:55 AM
Will Coleda (‎coke‎) ‎Parrot: Roadmap to 1.0‎ 20 minutes 06/25/07 01:30 PM
Phil Crow ‎Building Web Apps with Gantry and Bigtop‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 06/26/07 10:30 AM
Robin Darby ‎Web services 101.‎ 20 minutes 06/27/07 09:00 AM
Richard Dice ‎Finding Perl's place in the world‎ 50 minutes 06/25/07 11:05 AM
Kevin Falcone (‎jibsheet‎) ‎Building a Jifty app in a jiffy‎ 20 minutes 06/26/07 04:25 PM
Mike Fragassi (‎frag‎) ‎Perl Logging Practices‎ 20 minutes 06/26/07 10:30 AM
Dave Gray ‎Cathartic Catalytic Conversion‎ 20 minutes 06/26/07 09:00 AM
Nathan Gray (‎kolibrie‎) ‎Practical Extraction with Perl 6‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 06/26/07 02:25 PM
Perrin Harkins (‎perrin‎) ‎Care and Feeding of Large Web Applications‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 06/26/07 01:30 PM
Kirsten Hunter ‎Hydra: Multiple Faces for Collaborative Content‎ 50 minutes 06/27/07 10:20 AM
James E Keenan (‎kid51‎) ‎Component-Focused Testing: The Case of the Parrot Build Tools‎ 50 minutes 06/27/07 09:00 AM
Steven Lembark (‎Lembark‎) ‎Object::Trampoline (follow the bouncing object)‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 06/25/07 04:05 PM
Steven Lembark (‎Lembark‎) ‎Developing a test harness‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 06/26/07 09:25 AM
Walt Mankowski (‎waltman‎) ‎Approximation algorithms in Perl‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes 06/25/07 01:30 PM
Josh McAdams (‎jmcadams‎) ‎EPIC Perl Coding‎ 20 minutes 06/26/07 04:25 PM
Josh McAdams (‎jmcadams‎) ‎An Introduction To Perl Critic‎ 20 minutes 06/25/07 01:30 PM
Josh McAdams (‎jmcadams‎) ‎Customizing and Extending Perl Critic‎ 50 minutes 06/27/07 11:10 AM
Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎) ‎Perl 6 Compiler Status‎ 50 minutes 06/26/07 01:30 PM
Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎) ‎Parrot Compiler Tools‎ 50 minutes 06/25/07 04:05 PM
Todd Olson ‎Automating Workflow‎ 20 minutes 06/26/07 09:00 AM
Karen Pauley ‎Management Skills for Geeks‎ 20 minutes 06/27/07 10:45 AM
Michael Peters (‎mpeters‎) ‎Updating Your Testing Toolbox‎ 50 minutes 06/25/07 03:10 PM
Marcus Ramberg (‎marcus‎) ‎Bag of tricks from Iusethis‎ 50 minutes 06/27/07 11:10 AM
Allison Randal ‎Learning PIR‎ 50 minutes 06/26/07 03:30 PM
Allison Randal ‎Parrot Architecture‎ 50 minutes 06/25/07 03:10 PM
Jonathan Rockway (‎jrockway‎) ‎Getting started with Catalyst‎ 20 minutes 06/25/07 01:30 PM
Jonathan Rockway (‎jrockway‎) ‎Building applications with Catalyst‎ 50 minutes 06/26/07 10:55 AM
Andrew Rodland (‎hobbs‎) ‎Dynamic Website Translation With Catalyst and Petal‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 06/27/07 09:20 AM
Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎) ‎Intro to Mason‎ 50 minutes 06/26/07 09:25 AM
Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎) ‎Perl DateTime Project‎ 50 minutes 06/27/07 10:20 AM
Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎) ‎Perl Modules for Exceptions, Logging, and Parameter Validation‎ 50 minutes 06/25/07 03:10 PM
Mike Schilli ‎Smart Logging with Log4perl‎
[ Abstract ]
50 minutes 06/27/07 09:20 AM
Mike Schilli ‎Home Automation with Perl and X10‎
[ Abstract ]
20 minutes 06/25/07 04:30 PM
Ricardo Signes (‎rjbs‎) ‎Crafting Custom Interfaces with Sub::Exporter‎ 50 minutes 06/27/07 11:10 AM
Ricardo Signes (‎rjbs‎) ‎How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Email::: The 2007 PEP Talk!‎ 50 minutes 06/26/07 03:30 PM
Beth Skwarecki ‎Databases and the virtue of Laziness‎ 20 minutes 06/27/07 09:00 AM
Beth Skwarecki ‎Under the hood at a bioinformatics project‎ 20 minutes 06/26/07 04:25 PM
Steve Taylor ‎Leveraging Perl for Build Reuse‎ 50 minutes 06/25/07 03:10 PM
Todd Wade (‎trwww‎) ‎Web Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control‎
[ Abstract ]
50 minutes 06/26/07 03:30 PM
Casey West (‎cwest‎) ‎MochiKit: Good Tools for the Web Developer‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 06/26/07 02:25 PM
Casey West (‎cwest‎) ‎Abuse Perl‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 06/25/07 04:05 PM
Ivor Williams (‎ivorw‎) ‎Packaging Perl Applications‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 06/26/07 02:25 PM
Abigail ‎File::Copy: broken - inflexible - dangerous‎ lightning  
Elizabeth Cholet (‎zrusilla‎) ‎Cellular Automata Knitting with Perl‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
Mark P Sullivan ‎EscapeCage: escape strings and prevent injection attacks‎ lightning