Wiki - Wellness/Recreation Center
The UH Wellness Center, across Callhoun Rd. from the hotel and University Center, has community passes available for $8.00/day and $25/week. There are basketball courts, pools, sauna, hot tub, track, weights, exercise equipment, climbing wall, computer center, and more. It seems to be a great value for those looking for more active events, particularly those who will be staying for the master classes as well.
Monday - Thursday 6:00 AM – 11:00 PM
Friday 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday Noon – 11:00 PM
Facilities include:
5 basketball / volleyball courts
4 badminton courts
6 racquetball courts
2 Int’l squash courts
Multi-purpose rooms
Multi-Activity Court
Indoor track
Fitness area ·
The Natatorium
Leisure pool
Climbing wall
Computer Resource Room
Combat/Martial Arts Room
Dry Sauna
Hot Tub
Smoothie King
Convenience Store
Last modified: 06/25/07 09:17 PM by Matthew Rolf (rolfm)