The nearest airport is Salt Lake City International Airport.

See Transportation Options for suggestions on how to get from the airport to YAPC, and how to get around once you're there.

The Little America Hotel is at 500 South Main Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.


Friday, 2015-06-05

Saturday, 2015-06-06

Sunday, 2015-06-07


Note: anyone flying outbound on Delta, see Randal Schwartz (‎merlyn‎) during the week. He has literally dozens of Delta "Have one on us" drink or headset tickets that expire at the end of 2015, and he keeps ending up in Econ Comfort or upgraded, and can't possibly use them all. Please. Please take them.

Wednesday, 2015-06-10

Thursday, 2015-06-11

Friday, 2015-06-12

Saturday, 2015-06-13

Tuesday, 2015-06-16

version 59 saved on 03/06/15 01:50 by Josh Lavin (‎digory‎)

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