writing XS in plain C

writing XS in plain C

By bulk 88 from NY.pm
Date: Monday, 8 June 2015 14:00
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: c xs

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

Even if you learned C in a classroom at some point, Perl's "XS" API for writing perl subs in something purported to be C but is really a cat on a tablet with caps lock on. In this talk I will show how easy it is to write subs in plain C without any of that dreaded stuff in perlxs.pod. It is so easy you will never ever ever, really ever, use XS ever again :D

Attended by: Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎), Nova Patch (‎patch‎), Curtis Jewell (‎CSJewell‎), Charles McGarvey (‎CCM‎), Joseph Hall, Fitz Elliott, Karl Williamson, James Dwyer (‎Jim‎), Dana Jacobsen (‎danaj‎), Ben Wasley, Jeremy Holland, Tom Christiansen, Mark Horstmeier, Paul Seamons, Michael Conrad (‎nerdvana‎), Jared Miller, Belden Lyman (‎belden‎), Patrick Cronin, Joelle Maslak, Mickey Nasriachi (‎Mickey‎), Liam McNerney (‎Lthemick‎), Steve Nolte (‎mcsnolte‎), vroom, Chas. Owens (‎cowens‎), David Golden (‎xdg‎), Peter Sandin, Adam Schobelock, Armin Resch, Julian Brown, Jonathan Taylor, Andrea Nall, Jack Killilea (‎jrK‎), Reini Urban (‎rurban‎), Chad Granum (‎Exodist‎), David Hand (‎Ptolemarch‎), Mark Swayne, Sean Murphy, Rish, Mark Wells, Ryan Haudenschilt, Joshua Miller, Justin Wheeler (‎dnm‎), shane utt (‎sutt‎), Elizabeth Cholet (‎zrusilla‎), Christopher Eades (‎Chro‎), will,