Wiki - SuggestedBOFs

BOF stands for Birds of a Feather. They are informal discussion groups, formed in an ad-hoc manner.


* Bring and share your local beer


* Add your name if you want to meet about CGI::Application or Titanium, and go ahead and suggest meeting times and spaces as well.


* Hack Perl and Haskell? Then let's meet up!

LGBT get-together
* Okay, every year we talk about this, and we never do it. Anybody up for a dinner or something?

PPI/Perl::Critic BOF
* Discuss newer PPI and what its further needs are. Want help in using PPI?
* Discuss current Perl::Critic, either as a user or a developer. Have questions about a policy? Using Test::P::C? Come on down.

Parrot Implementors BOF
* Scheduled for Monday evening (perhaps dinner)
* Improving our bus number
* Improving milestone efficacy
* Ll and the future

PerlMonks BOF
*Ever wonder what the person who just answered that question that had been stumping you was? Conferences are a great opportunity to meet your fellow monks. Last year we did "Lunch With Larry". If interested, let's meet up.

Pinball BOF
* Past years, there was a pinball game or two on campus. During a lunch period (say Tuesday), if there is a pinball game available, we'll head over towards the game and play the game, chat, and have a good time.

Geocaching BOF
* Geocaching is a 'sport' where you are the search engine. Given lat long coordinates, you head out on a quest to find geocaches. We'll meet and head out to a few around the campus.

Bad Movie BOF
* Tuesday or Wednesday evening: (For the time and place, just find one of us:)

Academic BOF
* The academic setting is a completely different environment than a typical corporate environment. Perl is capable of many things, which allow for rapid changes and big ideas.

*Let's meet up and discuss how perl is being used in an academic setting. How have you used perl in the past? Do you have any current projects currently centered around or being solved with perl?

* There's a tradition of the veg*ns at the conference getting together for a meal. Pittsburgh has lots of good veg food. You don't have to be veg to come, but you should plan on ordering veg food wherever we go ;)

* Get together to discuss projects including

Inclines BOF
* This BOF will be to go see some of the Incines in Pittsburgh on the Sunday before YAPC. Inclines are "vertical trains" which go up and down some of the steep hills surrounding the city.

*This BOF will be held at an undisclosed secure location. Joe Biden is NOT invited this time.

Mobile Devices BOF
* Anything perl related on mobile devices

Games BOF
* Bring games and we will play them :)

Zelda BOF
* Re-enact

Yoga BOF
* Get your Asana on! We'll be doing a quick version of the 26 series of postures from Bikram's method. Other suggestions welcome.

* Perhaps better called a hackathon, I'd like to have a few hours with people interested in creating new uses for the BACKPAN. Read More...

version 47 saved on 06/19/09 06:55 AM by Dan Magnuszewski (‎magnachef‎)

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