YAPC::NA 2007

June 25-27, Houston, TX


Talks in bold type have been confirmed by their respective speakers.

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday

Monday, June 25, 2007

Time Houston Cougar Den Mediterranean Pacific
08:40 AM ‎Welcome‎ (20 min)
09:00 AM José Castro (‎cog‎) - ‎How to get the most out of a YAPC (keynote)‎ (20 min, )
09:20 AM
09:25 AM ‎Keynote‎ (90 min)
10:55 AM ‎BREAK‎ (10 min)
11:05 AM Richard Dice - ‎Finding Perl's place in the world‎ (50 min, )
11:55 AM
12:00 PM ‎LUNCH‎ (90 min)
01:30 PM Will Coleda (‎coke‎) - ‎Parrot: Roadmap to 1.0‎ (20 min, ) Jonathan Rockway (‎jrockway‎) - ‎Getting started with Catalyst‎ (20 min, ) Josh McAdams (‎jmcadams‎) - ‎An Introduction To Perl Critic‎ (20 min, ) Walt Mankowski (‎waltman‎) - ‎Approximation algorithms in Perl‎ (20 min, )
01:50 PM
01:55 PM ‎The Present and Phuture of Parrot - chromatic‎ (70 min) lukec - ‎Hacktastic Wiki Tricks‎ (50 min, ) Barbie - ‎How To Be A CPAN Tester‎ (50 min, ) Robert Blackwell (‎rblackwe‎) - ‎Making an AJAX GUI for GNU Screen.‎ (50 min, )
02:45 PM
02:50 PM ‎BREAK‎ (15 min) ‎BREAK‎ (15 min) ‎BREAK‎ (15 min)
03:05 PM
03:10 PM Allison Randal - ‎Parrot Architecture‎ (50 min, ) Michael Peters (‎mpeters‎) - ‎Updating Your Testing Toolbox‎ (50 min, ) Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎) - ‎Perl Modules for Exceptions, Logging, and Parameter Validation‎ (50 min, ) Steve Taylor - ‎Leveraging Perl for Build Reuse‎ (50 min, )
04:00 PM
04:05 PM Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎) - ‎Parrot Compiler Tools‎ (50 min, ) Casey West (‎cwest‎) - ‎Abuse Perl‎ (50 min, ) Abigail - ‎Sudoku by Regexp‎ (50 min, ) Steven Lembark (‎Lembark‎) - ‎Object::Trampoline (follow the bouncing object)‎ (20 min, )
04:25 PM
04:30 PM Mike Schilli - ‎Home Automation with Perl and X10‎ (20 min, )
04:50 PM
04:55 PM
08:45 PM ‎Game Night in the UC!‎ (180 min)
11:45 PM