Making movies for fun and science

Making movies for fun and science

By Walt Mankowski (‎waltman‎) from
Date: Wednesday, 10 June 2015 11:00
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: analysis big biology data image matlab scipy

In my day job as a researcher at Drexel University, I work with time lapse image sequences of live organelles, cells, and tissues. You can see samples of the types of movies my lab produces at

A single experiment can consist of gigabytes of image data. In this talk I'll discuss our workflow for turning those raw images into annotated movies, including:
* finding cells in an image
* annotating images
* displaying multiple annotated frames side by side
* pulling everything together into a 1080p MP4

Attended by: Sandy Patch, Bruce Gray (‎Util‎), John Karr, Dana Jacobsen (‎danaj‎), Jeremy Holland, Michael LaGrasta, Thomas Sibley (‎trs‎), Fitz Elliott, Wes Malone (‎wesm‎),