Juggling Chainsaws: Perl and MongoDB

Juggling Chainsaws: Perl and MongoDB

By David Golden (‎xdg‎) from NY.pm
Date: Wednesday, 10 June 2015 09:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: mongodb

Perl and MongoDB both embody the twin ideals of whipuptitude and manipulexity. Both have wildly enthusiastic communities. Both are regularly reviled by outsiders. What happens when we bring them together? No children, trees or animals will be harmed during this talk.

UPDATE: slides available here → http://www.slideshare.net/dagolden/juggling-chainsaws-perl-and-mongodb

Attended by: Andrew Griffin, Michael LaGrasta, Joseph Hall, Stevan Little (‎stevan‎), Jared Miller, John Karr, atoomic, matt minkin, Jordan Adler (‎jmadler‎), Thomas Sibley (‎trs‎), Karl Boehnker, Paul Seamons, Phil Windley, Robert Threet (‎RAT‎), Brian Wisti, Jeff Smith, Mickey Nasriachi (‎Mickey‎), Liam McNerney (‎Lthemick‎), Joseph Alsop, David Golden (‎xdg‎), Adam Schobelock, Josh Lavin (‎digory‎), Rish, Michael Hamlin (‎myrrhlin‎), Nathan Sullivan, Stephen Scaffidi (‎hercynium‎), Stefan Geneshky (‎miniml‎), Miller Hall, Julian Brown,