Test drive your code with Test::More

Test drive your code with Test::More

By Travis Chase from Saltlake.pm
Date: Wednesday, 10 June 2015 10:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Beginner
Language: English
Tags: tap tdd testing unit_testing

Ever wonder what all those lines of test code mean when you install a Cpan Module? Ever want to be able to write some type of test(s) for your perl script/module/project? Ever want to know what people are talking about when they say TDD or Test Driven Development? Then this is the introduction for you. Come attend as we discuss those exact questions and more.

Attended by: Andrew Griffin, Curtis Jewell (‎CSJewell‎), Derek Clifford, Garth Hill, Tony Chambers, Adam Dutko (‎StylusEater‎), Rick Bychowski (‎rickbike‎), James Dwyer (‎Jim‎), Beth Rhinelander, matt minkin, James Morgan (‎Ven'Tatsu‎), Jeremy Zawodny, Paul Seamons, Mike Weisenborn, Greg Cole (‎wingfold‎), Garth Mortensen, Jason Fuller, Alan Young, Joseph Alsop, morgan jones, Weldon Whipple, Chris Hamilton, Josh Lavin (‎digory‎), Ryan Chaudhry, Scott Gustafson, Travis Chase, Eric Choi, Ryan Olson (‎Gimpson‎), Jeremy Koch, Wesley Lattin (‎Wes‎), Nathan Sullivan,