YAPC::NA 2014 • Orlando, FL

Talks in bold type have been confirmed by their respective speakers.

Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Time Summerlin Princeton Anderson Delaney Lakeside Ballroom Osceola
09:00 Nathan Gray (‎kolibrie‎) - ‎Increasing Performance and Satisfaction Through Scrum‎ (20 min, English) [Awesome] 30 David Bury - ‎Threading and Perl – avoiding insanity and managing the clones effectively‎ (20 min, English) [Threads] 60 ribasushi +1 - ‎SQL for accountants: understanding the beast via SpreadSheets‎ (50 min, English) [SQL] 10 Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎) - ‎A Date with Perl‎ (50 min, English) [Dates] 26 ‎Hardware Hackathon‎ (170 min)
09:30 Phil Wells (‎kyoob‎) - ‎Object Oriented Selenium Test Suites‎ (20 min, English) [Awesome] 28 Doug Hoyte (‎fractal‎) - ‎Blocking Operations, Exceptions, and Logging in Asynchronous Servers‎ (20 min, English) [Threads] 68
10:00 Jay Hannah (‎jhannah‎) - ‎Scuba diving my grandpa's WWII ship in Indonesia‎ (20 min, ) [Awesome] 15 Augustina Ragwitz (‎auggy‎) - ‎Perl Out Of Order: Why Timeout Today What You Can Return Tomorrow‎ (50 min, English) [Threads] 63 Arthur Schmidt (‎fREW‎) - ‎DBIx::Class - The Perl ORM‎ (50 min, English) [SQL] 42 Ashley Willis (‎ashley‎) - ‎Calendars Hate the Living‎ (20 min, English) [Dates] 24
10:30 Andrew Grangaard (‎spazm‎) - ‎Computer science for the self taught hacker‎ (20 min, English) [Awesome] 30 Sawyer X (‎Sawyer X‎) - ‎MetaCPAN API‎ (20 min, English) [All] 17
11:00 Andrew Rodland (‎hobbs‎) - ‎Parsing Made Easyish‎ (50 min, English) 18 Kevin Falcone (‎jibsheet‎) - ‎State of rt.cpan.org and rt.perl.org‎ (20 min, English) [All] 15 Henry Van Styn (‎vanstyn‎) - ‎RapidApp: turn-key ajaxy web apps‎ (50 min, English) [SQL] 35 Dave M - ‎Go GUI or Go Home‎ (20 min, English) [Miscellaneous] 39
11:30 Todd Rinaldo (‎toddr‎) - ‎perlcc made easy or, how to make a CGI Moose app‎ (20 min, English) [All] 25 Mark Fowler (‎Trelane‎) - ‎Mac and Perl‎ (20 min, English) [Miscellaneous] 27
11:50 ‎lunch (on your own)‎ (100 min)
13:30 Augustina Ragwitz (‎auggy‎) - ‎DIY Hangover: Show and Tell‎ (20 min, English) [Awesome] 18 Ricardo Signes (‎rjbs‎) - ‎1.21 Gigawatts‎ (50 min, English) [Miscellaneous] 78 Mark Allen (‎mallen‎) - ‎Writing Web Service Clients with Roles‎ (50 min, English) [Web] 33 Kevin Metcalf (‎profmetcalf‎) - ‎student Perl code, head-desk injuries, and you‎ (50 min, English) [Miscellaneous] 18 ‎Hardware Hackathon (2)‎ (330 min)
14:00 Jake Goldsborough (‎ducks‎) - ‎Coffee RIY: Roast It Yourself‎ (20 min, English) [Awesome] 19
15:00 Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) - ‎SotV‎ (50 min, English) 93
16:00 R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) - ‎Lightning Talks Day 2‎ (50 min, ) 95
17:00 Charlie Stross - ‎Keynote‎ (50 min, ) 82
19:00 ‎Game Night‎ (180 min)
22:00 ‎Bad Movie Night‎ (180 min)