Time | Rangos 1 | Rangos 2 | Rangos 3 | McConomy |
08:00 AM | Registration in Peter / McKenna / Wright (60 min)
09:00 AM |
| Casey West (cwest) - Welcome to YAPC|10 (20 min, ) 93
09:20 AM |
| Richard Dice - TPF Opening keynote (50 min, ) 89
10:10 AM | Morning Break (10 min)
10:20 AM |
| Larry Wall (TimToady) - Larry Wall Keynote (50 min, ) 105
11:10 AM |
| jerry gay (particle) - Parrot Foundation (15 min, ) 87
11:25 AM |
| Ya'akov Sloman (Yaakov) - Welcome to the Perl Community (5 min, ) 34
11:30 AM | Lunch (90 min)
01:00 PM | Scott McWhirter (konobi) - Test automation for the risk adverse (50 min, ) 28
| Hans Dieter Pearcey (confound) - CPAN - A big enough lever to install the world (50 min, ) 25
| Michael Schwern (Schwern) - Trapped In A Room With Schwern (50 min, ) 53
| Patrick Michaud (Pm) - Perl 6 today (50 min, ) 32
01:50 PM | Feel free to move between rooms. (5 min)
01:55 PM | lukec - A8N-ing - Agile Web Testing (50 min, ) 23
| Ricardo Signes (rjbs) - Git is Easy (50 min, ) 68
| David Fetter - You can do THAT without Perl?!? (50 min, ) 23
| Patrick Michaud (Pm) - Perl 6 regexes and grammars (50 min, ) 18
02:45 PM | Afternoon break. Refreshments served. (10 min)
02:55 PM |
| Bruce Gray (Util) - Command-line Perl (50 min, ) 42
| Patrick Michaud (Pm) - Hacking Rakudo Perl 6 (50 min, ) 26
03:45 PM | Feel free to move between rooms. (5 min)
03:50 PM | Abigail - Test::Regexp (20 min, ) 35
| Mike Schilli - Moving CPAN module projects to github.com (20 min, ) 24
| Jonathan Rockway (jrockway) - Using KiokuDB (20 min, ) 48
| Jeff Horwitz - Using and Contributing to mod_perl6 (A) (20 min, ) 14
04:10 PM | Feel free to move between rooms. (5 min)
04:15 PM | Michael Peters (mpeters) - TAP in depth (20 min, ) 41
| Barbie - The Statistics of CPAN (20 min, ) 21
| Walt Mankowski (waltman) - SQLite Functions, Aggregators and Collators (20 min, ) 38
| Jeff Horwitz - Using and Contributing to mod_perl6 (B) (20 min, ) 11
04:35 PM | Feel free to move between rooms. (5 min)
04:40 PM | Nathan Gray (kolibrie) - Getting the most out of TAP (20 min, ) 18
| Hans Dieter Pearcey (confound) - Dist::Zilla - Automating quality since 2008 (20 min, ) 49
| Clinton Wolfe - Class::ReluctantORM - An ORM Your DBA can Live With (20 min, ) 16
| Devin Austin (dhoss) - Intro To Moose (20 min, ) 40
05:00 PM |
07:30 PM |
| Movie Night (120 min)
09:30 PM |