The Perl Paradox

The Perl Paradox

By Tom Radcliffe
Date: Monday, 20 June 2016 16:30
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: activeperl enterprise perl

ActiveState is in a unique position in the Perl world, as the leading supplier of Enterprise Perl solutions. While the rest of the world sees Perl as a legacy language, and even claims "Perl is dying!", we see it as vibrant and alive. Analysts insist that no one is talking about Perl, but our Perl business is growing. This is the Perl Paradox: how does a programming language no one thinks is interesting continue to be one of the most important technologies in the world? Or: why does no one think one of the most important modern programming languages is very interesting?

Attended by: Todd Rinaldo (‎toddr‎), Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎), Lee Johnson, Jeff Till, David H. Adler (‎dha‎), Beth Rhinelander, Michael LaGrasta, Josh Lavin (‎digory‎), Victor Stevko, Chris Weyl (‎RsrchBoy‎), Jed Cunningham, D Ruth Bavousett (‎druthb‎), Deven Corzine (‎deven‎), Dylan Hardison (‎dylan‎), Douglas Schrag (‎dmaestro‎), Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎), Upasana Shukla, Mark Gardner (‎mjgardner‎), Jeremy Holland, Julian Brown, Kivanc Yazan, Buddy Burden (‎barefootcoder‎), Nathan Dyck, Aaron Staves (‎astaves‎), Rob, Doug Bell (‎preaction‎), John Anderson (‎genehack‎), Rolf Langsdorf (‎LanX‎), Brian Kelly, Daniel LeWarne (‎Possum‎), Jon Gentle (‎atrodo‎),