Becoming a polyglot

Becoming a polyglot

By Kirsten Hunter
Date: Monday, 20 June 2016 13:30
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Beginner
Language: English
Tags: api node perl php python rest ruby

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

Many people understand the very basics of several languages, all the way to Hello World. However, this isn’t a full fledged application and it’s challenging to make the translations in your head between all the different dialects (interpreted languages aren’t really different from each other like different languages – they work very much the same and the only difference is in the structure of the language). Out in our community are many people who firmly believe that moving from Ruby to Perl is not possible, that it’s very difficult to learn a new language, that it makes no sense to try to understand what “foreign” code might be doing.

In this session, I will demonstrate the same thing in Ruby, Perl, Python and Node - a simple backend API with a javascript front end. I will use appropriate languages and idioms in each of the languages, with the goal of teaching attendees how to parse what's happening in code they are seeing.

Attended by: Robert Threet (‎RAT‎), Brian Kelly, David H. Adler (‎dha‎), Chris Shelton, gary, Ruben Amortegui, Matt Creenan, Josh Lavin (‎digory‎), Alexander Vipach, Victor Stevko, Beth Rhinelander, vroom, D Ruth Bavousett (‎druthb‎), Deven Corzine (‎deven‎), Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎), Gonzalo Diethelm (‎gonzo‎), Dylan Hardison (‎dylan‎), Upasana Shukla, Mark Gardner (‎mjgardner‎), Jeremy Holland, Michael LaGrasta, Thomas McKernan, Dawn Wallis (‎wallisds‎), Galen Charlton, brian carlson, John Anderson (‎genehack‎), Niall Durham (‎dbcooper‎), Scott Duff (‎perlpilot‎),