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By Jesse Luehrs (doy) Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2010 15:00 Duration: 40 minutes Target audience: Intermediate Language: English Tags: moose |
Extending Moose
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
Moose has had a lot of success over the past few years as a general purpose object orientation system, but the area in which it really shines over previous solutions is in its extensibility. The MooseX namespace is full of useful tools (over 150 dists at last count), and this talk will explain how they work, and how writing custom, project-specific extensions can help make your code clearer and more powerful. The talk will include a description of Moose's metamodel, but a working knowledge of Moose will be assumed.
Attended by:- Brad Oaks (bradoaks)
- Christopher Madsen (cjm)
- Olaf Alders (oalders)
- Shawn Moore (sartak)
- Jesse Luehrs (doy)
- Justin Hunter (arcanez)
- Devin Austin (dhoss)
- Curtis Jewell (CSJewell)
- Alek Rollyson (al3k)
- Ricardo Signes (rjbs)
- James Carman (Jeremy)
- Dave Rolsky (autarch)
- Max Shughart (Maxdash McSlam)
- Jason May (jasonmay)
- Kevin Smith
- Jamie Pitts
- Victor Stevko
- jerry gay (particle)
- John Anderson (genehack)
- Stevan Little (stevan)
- Mike Barry (derby)
- Stephen Scaffidi (hercynium)
- Kurt Edmiston
- Elliot Shank
- Scott Beck (bline)
- Jay Hannah (jhannah)
- Bruce Gray (Util)
- Doug Bell (preaction)
- Dan Magnuszewski (magnachef)