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By Nicholas Perez (nperez) from AmsterdamX.pm Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2010 15:00 Duration: 40 minutes Target audience: Any Language: English Tags: magic modern moose perl poe shiny sugary worker |
Modern Perl for the Worker Pattern
Job queues. Worker pools. We all have them. We all reinvent the wheel every time this particular task comes around. Whether it is for creating reports offline, processing some heavy calculations, or some other long running, queued thing, we reach for our trusty event frameworks and cringe at how eerily familiar this feels and how you wish you could reuse something that didn't completely suck.
That's where the awesomeness of modern Perl comes into play.
This talk will mainly discuss the tool chain behind POEx::WorkerPool (POE, Moose, etc) and the real world applications that exercise it including applying customizations without monkey-patching the source.
- Brad Oaks (bradoaks)
- Tyler Riddle (triddle)
- Andy Gorman (agorman)
- Mike Greb (mikegrb)
- Benjamin McMahon
- Chris Nehren (apeiron)
- Josh ben Jore (diotalevi)
- gary
- Makoto Nozaki (makoto)
- Julie Eberhart
- Alex Timoshenko
- Jon Miner (miner)
- Stevan Little (stevan)
- Nicholas Perez (nperez)
- Dan Kurtz
- Balkee Balakrishnan
- Michael Peters (mpeters)
- Kevin Shaum
- Paul Vining
- John Judd
- Chris Hemmerich