By Sterling Hanenkamp (zostay) from KC.pm Date: Wednesday, 23 June 2010 10:00 Duration: 40 minutes Target audience: Any Language: English Tags: crud form::factory modern moose perl qublog roles |
Form::Factory, Moose-ish Form Processing
Update: Due to constraints on my time, my original slides are not as complete as I would like, so I'm simplifying. This will be more about Form::Factory and what I'm trying to do with it rather than focusing in depth on what it and a library I'm developing, Form::Factory::CRUD, has taught me about Moose.
CRUD is one of those complex tasks that everyone has a slightly different take on. I have my own way as well. I like to break down the task into components even further than the usual Create/Read/Update/Delete into New+Store/Find+Noop/Find+Store/Find+Remove/etc. By carefully constructing my roles and classes in Moose, I can compose operations neatly for processing my CRUD and other forms more simply. This talk will discuss how to approach processes and objects so they can be broken down into compose-able bits using Moose.
- Sterling Hanenkamp (zostay)
- Tyler Riddle (triddle)
- Robert Ward
- James Carman (Jeremy)
- Michael Lambert
- Jacob Gelbman
- Kevin Smith
- Charles Phillips
- Byron Austin
- Victor Stevko
- Alex Timoshenko
- john napiorkowski (jnap)
- Mike Barry (derby)
- iank
- Greg Estep
- Dan Magnuszewski (magnachef)
- Michael Canzoneri (mikecanz)
- Scott Beck (bline)
- Doug Bell (preaction)