YAPC::NA 2007

June 25-27, Houston, TX

Making an AJAX GUI for GNU Screen.

Making an AJAX GUI for GNU Screen.

By Robert Blackwell (‎rblackwe‎) from Pittsburgh.pm
Date: Monday, June 25, 2007 01:55 PM
Duration: 50 minutes

GNU Screen is a great tool, but a little AJAX and Perl
can release even more power. In this talk I will show
you how to build a GUI to incorporate all of your
screens into one seamless application, insulating you
from different screen sessions and screens on
different machines.

Trying to manipulate, monitor, and query multiple
screen environments on multiple machines can prove
difficult. A GUI can help let you see into your
configuration and help you navigate quickly and
effectively. If you have ever lost yourself in
screen, this talk will interest you. But this talk is
about more than just finding yourself. It’s about
keeping your state and being able to navigate quickly
to different screen locations.

Some things I’ll cover are
- how to monitor screens for activity, silence, and
pattern matches across your entire server farm
- how to make an auto complete search box based on the
content of your all screen
- how to create and use a global screen clipboard

Description Short:
Learn how to make an AJAX GUI for GNU Screen to make
it easier to monitor and manipulate multiple screens,
either on the same machine or across multiple

Speaker bio: Robert Blackwell has been programming in Perl since
1993, when a college professor said they would cover
bash, sed, and awk—but not that weird beast Perl. His
interest in Perl was piqued and he’s worked it into
every job since. Currently a Perl programmer in
Pittsburgh, PA, he helped organize the first
Pittsburgh Perl Workshop in 2006 and is in the throes
of making it bigger and better for 2007.