Perl Quiz!

Perl Quiz!

By Daina Pettit
Date: Wednesday, 22 June 2016 09:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English

Test your Perl knowledge. Win prizes! Everyone will win something. Where do you rank? We'll do a fun perl quiz as a group so you get to see how much you know. We'll cover some arcane syntax as well as the latest Perl. This will be enlightening and lots of fun. Come participate, learn more about Perl, and win!

Attended by: Daina Pettit, Jeff Till, Aran Deltac (‎bluefeet‎), Patrick Michaud (‎Pm‎), Mark Gardner (‎mjgardner‎), Chip Salzenberg (‎Chip‎), Rish, John Anderson (‎genehack‎), Randal Schwartz (‎merlyn‎), Scott Duff (‎perlpilot‎), Kivanc Yazan, Douglas Schrag (‎dmaestro‎), Joelle Maslak, Rob,