YAPC::NA 2011 • Asheville, NC

Obviously this year we're at a hotel venue so Dorm housing is not available. We have however worked with the hotel to get a rate that, when split, comes in comparable to dorm prices in the past. Here are people who are open to sharing space. (please list your username and a means of contact or two).

* Mateu Hunter (‎mateu‎) - 2 bed room to share for the three nights: June 27-29, 1 bed available.

* Stephen Scaffidi (‎hercynium‎) - I have 2-bed room from Sun, June 26 to Fri, July 1 (thus, one bed available) Let me know via email (stephen@scaffidi.net) or IRC (hercynium) if you want to split the room with me.

Conversely, please list the same below if you're looking to share a room with someone.

version 7 saved on 20/05/11 17:01 by Stephen Scaffidi (‎hercynium‎)

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