YAPC::NA 2011 • Asheville, NC


Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Gripes?

Drop us a line here.

I'm registered but won't be able to attend YAPC::NA 2011 - how do I let the conference organizers know?

Ideas for the future

Things that you don't think the organizers for this year got quite right, and it's too late for this year. This is where you feedback to *next* year's orgs, with luck.

* You will need *lots* of extra capacity on the wifi network. The venue's own wifi probably won't hold up to the demand. Consider a squid or an irc.perl.org server to lessen the bandwidth load on the outgoing link.

* Have tea!

Last modified: 27/06/11 23:16 by James Mastros (‎theorbtwo‎)

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