YAPC::NA 2011 • Asheville, NC

Are you ready for YAPC?

Have you ....

* bought your ticket
* found a place to stay
* added your self to the Arrival Dinner or the Anti Arrival Dinner
* signed up or set up a BOF
* signed up or set up a Hackathon
* registered for a Course
* let people know where you are staying
* let people know how you are coming and going
* signed up the yapc mailing list
* set up to follow us on twitter
* signed on to irc.perl.org/yapc
* primed up your laptop with whatever code, media, or presentations you'll need
* Added the YAPC phone number to your address book.
* told friends to come to YAPC

* What else do you do to prepare for YAPC?

version 1 saved on 23/06/11 15:48 by Robert Blackwell (‎rblackwe‎)

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