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By chromatic from
Date: Monday, 21 June 2010 15:00
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: English
Tags: 5 overview perl programming tips

Using Modern Perl

Since 2001, Perl 5 has undergone a renaissance. Modern Perl programs are powerful, maintainable, and understandable. Come learn how to take advantage of Perl circa 2010.

It’s easy to find examples of poorly-written Perl code: global variables, punctuation soup, copy and paste code, commented-out functions. Who’d want to read that? Who could maintain it?

Modern Perl code is different. The past decade has produced important new features and powerful new techniques for writing clear, concise, maintainable, and reusable Perl. These new developments build on each other to replace awkward, painful, or difficult to use correctly approaches with simple code.

Learn how to understand context, to embrace lexical scoping, to manage CPAN installations without pain, to perform pain-free automated testing, to embrace the CPAN development model, to adopt new features of Perl 5.10 and 5.12, and to take advantage of the Moose object system.

Learn about the Perl renaissance and rediscover the joy of Perl.

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