By Nicholas Perez (‎nperez‎) from
Date: Tuesday, 22 June 2010 15:00
Duration: 40 minutes
Target audience: Advanced
Language: English
Tags: declare moose moosex poe poex sessioninstantiation

Modern POE and Moose Integration with POEx:: Role:: SessionInstantiation

There has been an explosion of Moose and POE integrations that have developed that bring the state of the art several steps closer to ideal. One such integration is POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation which attempts to bridge the gap seamlessly by providing a complete session implementation to any Moose object that consumes the role.

This is the foundation to a new paradigm allowing a great meld between these two powerhouse technologies using the phenomenal MooseX::Declare to add some sugary goodness to the mix.

With all of that said, it has its own shortcomings which we will discuss along with the future of this module and other POE + Moose integrations.

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