By Devin Austin (dhoss) from boulder.pm Date: Tuesday, 22 June 2010 14:00 Duration: 20 minutes Target audience: Intermediate Language: English Tags: catalyst images poe thumbnails worker |
ThumbIt: A beautiful marriage of Catalyst with a POE worker backend
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
- Abstract: http://dhoss.net/talks/yapc11/thumbit/abstract.txt
- Talk: http://dhoss.net/talks/yapc11/thumbit/
Do you need processing done that's going to take too long for your Catalyst application to do on its own? Do you have jobs that need multiple processes taking care of them? Have you been looking for a way to throw your jobs into a queue and have them processed without having to think about it? This talk will take you through a wild and beautiful maze of POE and Catalyst and how to send data to workers behind the scenes to process, manipulate, slice, dice, slap and chop while Catalyst moves on to other things.
Attended by:- Devin Austin (dhoss)
- Andrew Rodland (hobbs)
- Lee Aylward (leedo)
- Robert Ward
- Justin Hunter (arcanez)
- Dave Rolsky (autarch)
- James Carman (Jeremy)
- Kevin Smith
- Max Shughart (Maxdash McSlam)
- Andy Gorman (agorman)
- Byron Austin
- Benjamin McMahon
- Chris Nehren (apeiron)
- Alex Timoshenko
- Mark Jubenville (ioncache)
- Shawn Moore (sartak)
- Adam Prime (jsut)
- Robert Boone (rlb3)
- john napiorkowski (jnap)
- Wes Malone (wesm)
- Nicholas Perez (nperez)
- Jason Coble
- Doug Bell (preaction)
- Brad Lhotsky
- Tim Heaney (oylenshpeegul)
- Jon Gentle (atrodo)
- Scott Beck (bline)