The EPO Extended Core

The EPO Extended Core

By Chris Prather (‎perigrin‎) from,
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 02:55 PM
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Tags: catalyst dbic epo moose

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

The Enlightened Perl Organisation was established support certain Perl
development efforts that ensure Perl's future as an enterprise-grade
development platform.

One of the initial projects for the EPO is the creation of an Extended Core. A
Perl distribution that provides some best of breed applications that are
vetted and currently being used in large Enterprises. This talk is a
discussion of the Modules in the EPO Extended Core, and the selection process
they underwent, as well as how you can get involved in the process and in the
Enlightened Perl Organisation itself.

Attended by: Chris Prather (‎perigrin‎), Arthur Schmidt (‎fREW‎), Stephen Scaffidi (‎hercynium‎), Stevan Little (‎stevan‎), Jason Switzer (‎s1n‎), Jesse Luehrs (‎doy‎), Jason May (‎jasonmay‎), Michael Canzoneri (‎mikecanz‎), Shawn Moore (‎sartak‎), Nicholas Perez (‎nperez‎), Dan Dascalescu (‎dandv‎), Chris Nehren (‎apeiron‎), Mark Stosberg, Adam Foxson (‎Fhoxh‎), Dagfinn Ilmari MannsÃ¥ker (‎ilmari‎), Brad Lhotsky, John Anderson (‎genehack‎), Erik Sturcke, Joshua Gatcomb, Darian Patrick (‎dapatrick‎), Leonard Miller (‎olegm‎), Jess Robinson (‎castaway‎), Geoffrey Darling (‎Geoff‎), Jeremy Fluhmann (‎jfluhmann‎), sungo, Dylan Hardison (‎dylan‎), Krishna Sethuraman (‎shamu‎), Liam Echlin, Nathaniel Smith (‎Nate‎), Ricardo Signes (‎rjbs‎), Seth Viebrock, G. Wade Johnson (‎gwadej‎), Clinton Wolfe, Jaldhar Vyas (‎jaldhar‎), Jesse Vincent, Jeremy Stashewsky (‎stash‎), Victor Stevko, Mike Greb (‎mikegrb‎), Nick, Bruce Gray (‎Util‎), Christopher Madsen (‎cjm‎), michael shomsky, Jonathan Swartz, Dean Serenevy (‎duelafn‎), Packy Anderson, Josh ben Jore (‎diotalevi‎), Trey Harris, Barbie, Michael Schwern (‎Schwern‎),