YAPC::NA 2007

June 25-27, Houston, TX

Wiki - Veggie BOF

Let's find some veggie food! Who's with me?

* Beth Skwarecki
* Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎)
* Justin Courts
* Krishna Sethuraman (‎shamu‎)


META: Dave Rolsky (‎autarch‎): This wiki does not support named external links (lame!). I also can't make VegGuide not be a link.
Christopher Madsen (‎cjm‎): It does support named links. VegGuide will always be a link, but you can choose where it links. It does seem to have a problem with long links (over 80 chars). Using '_' instead of ' ' seems to help.

version 9 saved on 05/29/07 08:02 PM by Michael Dearing

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