YAPC::NA 2007

June 25-27, Houston, TX

Wiki - Vanilla Perl BOF

The Vanilla Perl Project is an experiment to provide binary Perl distributions for the Microsoft Windows platform that include a bundled compiler. The two existing release flavors are Vanilla Perl and Strawberry Perl. (See the Vanilla Perl site for more details.)

Potential discussion topics include:

* Feedback and support questions
* Roadmap for Vanilla/Strawberry
* New challenges (e.g. Vista, 64-bit support)

Potential design/hacking topics include:

* Switching to MSI installer
* External Libraries and/or the Portable Alien Library System
* Relocatable perl executables
* Creating a bleadperl distribution

Time and location forthcoming.

version 1 saved on 04/19/07 12:37 PM by David Golden (‎xdg‎)

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