Testing with Test::Class::Moose
Testing with Test::Class::Moose
By Dave Rolsky (autarch) from MN.pm
Date: Monday, 20 June 2016 14:30
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: English
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
Test::Class::Moose combines the power of Test::Class with the more power of Moose. It's really powerful, like a bull hopped on crystal meth, or my breath the day after I won that garlic bread eating contest.
This talk will cover the basic features of Test::Class::Moose, including example code and tips for organizing your test code.
Attended by: Chad Granum (Exodist), Todd Rinaldo (toddr), Dave Rolsky (autarch), Lee Johnson, David H. Adler (dha), Chris Shelton, Mike Weisenborn, Jason Crome (CromeDome), Karsten Schiela, Adam Boyers, Mickey Nasriachi (Mickey), Cody Brown (cbrown), vroom, atoomic, Henry Van Styn (vanstyn), Michael LaGrasta, Julian Brown, Buddy Burden (barefootcoder), Tino Ejlerskov (Tiejl), Andrew Baerg, Brad Oaks (bradoaks), Robert Blackwell (rblackwe), Wallace Reis (wreis), Cees Hek, Miller Hall, Daniel LeWarne (Possum),