Geo::Parser::Text - Geocoding locations Parsed from Text.

Geo::Parser::Text - Geocoding locations Parsed from Text.

By Ervin Ruci (‎eruci‎)
Date: Wednesday, 22 June 2016 14:30
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: geocoding geolocating geoparsing mining nlp text

You can find more information on the speaker's site: is a Perl-based web service that receives raw text and extracts locations expressed as street intersections, street addresses or city names - a process known as geoparsing.
It then returns the geocoded results ordered by 'confidence score' in JSON, XML or CSV.
Geo::Parser::Text is a CPAN module which interacts with the API and returns the data in a Perl data structure.

This talk will discuss the problem in detail and demo several real world applications using it.

Attended by: David H. Adler (‎dha‎), James Lenz (‎Jim‎), Mike Weisenborn, Ruben Amortegui, Alexander Vipach, Paul Johnson, D Ruth Bavousett (‎druthb‎), Greg Cole (‎wingfold‎), Adam Engle, Galen Charlton, Randal Schwartz (‎merlyn‎), Ben Tyler, Doug Bell (‎preaction‎),