All New YAML Tools for Perl

All New YAML Tools for Perl

By Ingy döt Net (‎ingy‎) from
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 08:55 AM
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Any
Tags: grant ingy naked perl tpf yaml

YAML is used in a plethora of projects in Perl and beyond. Perl YAML tools have trailed in the polls for a long time. This year all that is changing. Yes We Can:

* Have complete YAML 1.1 in Perl
* Depend on totally accurate Dumpers and Loaders
* Finally do streaming processing on YAML
* Use types and tags with confidence
* Have YAML that works with processors in other languages
* Tokenize YAML for syntax highlighting
* Stop using global variables for an API
* Have an upgrade path for YAML processors

In this talk, Ingy will show the new tools that were created as the result of his (long awaited) TPF grant project completion.

Attended by: Jesse Vincent, Tatsuhiko Miyagawa (‎miyagawa‎), Stevan Little (‎stevan‎), Lee Aylward (‎leedo‎), Jesse Luehrs (‎doy‎), Jason May (‎jasonmay‎), Shawn Moore (‎sartak‎), Adam Prime (‎jsut‎), Jeremy Fluhmann (‎jfluhmann‎), Todd Rinaldo (‎toddr‎), John Anderson (‎genehack‎), Mark Jubenville (‎ioncache‎), Andrew Walker (‎Andy‎), Barbie, Christopher Madsen (‎cjm‎), Michael Graham (‎magog‎), Jeremy Stashewsky (‎stash‎), Jess Robinson (‎castaway‎), Hildo Biersma, Brad Lhotsky, Mark Jensen, G. Wade Johnson (‎gwadej‎), Rick Scott (‎shadowspar‎),