Linked Lists in Perl: How, and why bother.

Linked Lists in Perl: How, and why bother.

By Steven Lembark (‎Lembark‎) from
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 02:55 PM
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

Perly arrays are flexible, but there are still a few things that lists can help with. Memory management is one: linked lists return space to the free store as it is freed. Being able to walk multiple lists at once without having to use offsets for all of them is another. Both of these are boon for high-volume processing (e.g. bioinformatics). They also simplify granular locking in threaded applicatons.

Singly-linked lists are not complicated in Perl, and if done right can be quite fast. They do require a destructor, however, and reversing the standard picture of thier structure to work well.

Attended by: Elliot Shank, Todd Rinaldo (‎toddr‎), Erik Sturcke, David H. Adler (‎dha‎), Ilia Lobsanov, Mike Greb (‎mikegrb‎), Barbara Jensen, brian janaszek, Douglas Sims, David Faler, Adri Mills, Mark Jubenville (‎ioncache‎), Olaf Alders (‎oalders‎), Ryan Kelly (‎f0rk‎), Hari Ravella, Robert Boone (‎rlb3‎), Andrew Walker (‎Andy‎), Todd McDowell, mark stout, Marcus Del Greco, Kurt Edmiston, Kenneth Power, Sean McCune (‎pghcoder‎), James Diskin, Chris Muench (‎blasto333‎), splitbit, Mike Kelly (‎pioto‎), Karsten Dahms, Lisa Wilcox, Michael Stroucken, Nova Patch (‎patch‎), Duane Brown (‎duaneb‎), Terry Bates, David Walia, J. Nick Koston (‎bdraco‎), Mark Jensen, Michael Aquilina (‎aquilina‎), Chanda Unmack (‎teleute‎),