Wiki - PVMW_ArrivalDinner

Details are still to come. Suggestions are welcomed.

Possible locations?
* Abay
* Dinner at Robert Blackwell's (I have a slide)
* Joe Mama's where we had an arrivals dinner on the Friday before Pittsburgh Perl Workshop October 2007
* Church Brew Works where we had the Saturday night dinner during Pittsburgh Perl Workshop October 2007 (but let's not go there if YAPC itself is going there)

Friday June 21 at 6:00 until somebody has to give a talk or sooner.
This is more about being social than being nourished. Feel free to drop in anytime and to leave at anytime. I will start being around whatever place we pick around 6:00.

1. Robert Blackwell (‎rblackwe‎)
2. Bruce Gray (‎Util‎)
3. Michael Canzoneri (‎mikecanz‎)
4. James E Keenan (‎kid51‎)
5. Dan Magnuszewski (‎magnachef‎)
6. Chris Muench (‎blasto333‎)
7. Christoph Otto (‎cotto‎)
8. user:stroucki

version 14 saved on 06/18/09 11:40 PM by Michael Stroucken

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