Wiki - Contact Information

YAPC HELPLINE: 412-235-1533

CMU Housing Services: 412-268-4101
Please note: We have been advised that the CMU housing number isn't always being answered. We were assured prior to the conference that there would be somebody staffing that phone 24x7. We assumed that meant 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Apparently it meant 24 days a month, 7 hours a day. If you call the housing number above and do not get any response, please call Dan Wright (contact information below).


Dan Wright: 724-454-1359 Staying in Resnik 581

Robert Blackwell: Staying in Resnik 584

Casey West: Staying in Resnik 581

Tom Moertel: Not staying on campus.

Last modified: 06/21/09 11:50 PM by Dan Wright (‎ehdonhon‎)

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