Introduction to RDBMS and SQL for the Totally Ignorant

Introduction to RDBMS and SQL for the Totally Ignorant

By Joe Celko
Date: Thursday, June 25, 2009 09:00 AM
Duration: 480 minutes
Target audience: Beginner
Tags: dbi sql

Joe Celko served 10 years on ANSI/ISO SQL Standards Committee and contributed to the SQL-89 and SQL-92 Standards. He has written over 800 columns in the computer trade and academic press, mostly dealing with data and databases. He is author of eight books on SQL for Morgan-Kaufmann.

Light introductions to RDBMS & SQL for programmers who know only file systems and procedural coding.

1.0. Relational Basics
1.1. What Life Was Like With File Systems - Punch Cards and Tapes
1.2. Early Databases -- Dr. Bachman and the CODASYL Model
1.3. History of the Concepts -- Dr. Codd and the Relational Model
1.4. History of SQL
1.5. Why It Is So Different -- Un-Learning Old Habits
1.6. Logical versus Physical Levels
1.7. Set Theory
1.8. Three Valued Logic
1.9. Shared Resources and Transactions

2.0 ISO-11179 Naming Standards
2.1. Scales and Measurements
2.2. Design of Encoding Schemes

3.0. High Level Overview of SQL - The "Big Ideas"
3.1. The Three Sub-Languages - DDL, DCL and DML
3.2. Tiered Architecture
3.3. Host Language versus Application Language
3.4. Procedural versus Non-Procedural Programming
3.5. Some Exercise For Thinking In Sets

This course includes a copy of THE MANGA GUIDE TO DATABASES.

Attended by: Jesse Luehrs (‎doy‎), Todd Olson, Chanda Unmack (‎teleute‎), David H. Adler (‎dha‎), Greg Alheid,