CLI apps don't have to suck

CLI apps don't have to suck

By Chris Nehren (‎apeiron‎) from,,
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 08:00 AM
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Tags: app::cmd cli command_line moose moosex::app::cmd pain_relief

Writing command line apps can be painful, inconsistent, and sometimes difficult to get right (not to mention repetitive and boring). Thanks to some recent developments on CPAN, this process can be smoothed out and simplified so that even mere mortals can understand it. Put enough of these cool technologies together and it even becomes fun. This talk presents how to use App::Cmd, MooseX::App::Cmd, MooseX::GetOpt, and MooseX::SimpleConfig to create commandline applications with less effort, more tests, and more fun. The audience is expected to be comfortable with Moose and the concepts of CLI programming. The focus is on working code, not theory, and people are expected and encouraged to plug in the code and ask questions.

Attended by: Jesse Vincent, Jason Switzer (‎s1n‎), Robert Boone (‎rlb3‎), Chris Nehren (‎apeiron‎), Ricardo Signes (‎rjbs‎), Brad Cavanagh (‎CanSpice‎), Jack Foy, Joe Cooper (‎swelljoe‎), David H. Adler (‎dha‎), Adam Foxson (‎Fhoxh‎), Ilia Lobsanov, David Faler, Adri Mills, Darian Patrick (‎dapatrick‎), Todd Presta, Todd McDowell, Craig Pluchinsky, Brad Oaks (‎bradoaks‎), Michael Canzoneri (‎mikecanz‎), Kenneth Power, Christopher Madsen (‎cjm‎), chris becker, Sean McCune (‎pghcoder‎), Chris Muench (‎blasto333‎), Zak Zebrowski, Greg Alheid, Jonathan Swartz, Gwendolyn Schmidt, splitbit, Mark Jensen,