To Moose or Not To Moose

To Moose or Not To Moose

By Stevan Little (‎stevan‎) from
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 09:55 AM
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Tags: modern moose oo oop

Moose is in it's 3rd year and going strong. In this talk we will discuss the current state of Moose and explore both the pros and cons of introducing Moose into your codebase.

We will also delve into a couple real-world case studies to illustrate how Moose can fit into both legacy projects as well as new ones.

Attended by: Tim Heaney (‎oylenshpeegul‎), Jesse Luehrs (‎doy‎), Chris Prather (‎perigrin‎), Stevan Little (‎stevan‎), Jason Switzer (‎s1n‎), Andrew Rodland (‎hobbs‎), Jason May (‎jasonmay‎), Dan Dascalescu (‎dandv‎), Devin Austin (‎dhoss‎), Joe Cooper (‎swelljoe‎), Dagfinn Ilmari MannsÃ¥ker (‎ilmari‎), David H. Adler (‎dha‎), Adam Foxson (‎Fhoxh‎), Mike Kelly (‎pioto‎), Jeremy Fluhmann (‎jfluhmann‎), Mark Stosberg, Nova Patch (‎patch‎), Jack Foy, Erik Sturcke, Todd Rinaldo (‎toddr‎), Nathaniel Smith (‎Nate‎), Shana Andreychek, Mike Greb (‎mikegrb‎), John Anderson (‎genehack‎), Joshua Gatcomb, Ilia Lobsanov, Darian Patrick (‎dapatrick‎), Douglas Sims, Marco Antonio Manzo (‎amnesiac‎), Andrew Walker (‎Andy‎), G. Wade Johnson (‎gwadej‎), Karsten Dahms, Duane Brown (‎duaneb‎), Jeremy Stashewsky (‎stash‎), Dean Serenevy (‎duelafn‎), Jason Crome (‎CromeDome‎), Clinton Wolfe, Seth Viebrock, Jonathan Swartz, Kurt Edmiston, Packy Anderson, michael shomsky, David Walia, David Huggins (‎DAVIDIUS‎), Josh McAdams (‎jmcadams‎), splitbit, Mark Jensen, Hildo Biersma, Nick,