XML::Toolkit: Tools to Ease the Pain
XML::Toolkit: Tools to Ease the Pain
By Chris Prather (perigrin) from Dahut.pm, Orlando.pm
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 11:15 AM
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Tags: moose perl xml
You can find more information on the speaker's site:
XML::Toolkit is the results of years of study, and two large production
projects. It's a collection of tools to make some of the pain of integrating
XML into an application go away. XML::Toolkit was designed to handle large XML
document sets, to be flexible, and to produce valid clean correct XML.
This talk will cover the history of the project, the various tools in the
toolkit and example applications based on real-world code.
Attended by: Stephen Scaffidi (hercynium),
Jesse Vincent,
Stevan Little (stevan),
Jesse Luehrs (doy),
Adam Prime (jsut),
Shawn Moore (sartak),
Robert Boone (rlb3),
Dan Dascalescu (dandv),
Karen Hoofnagle,
Chris Prather (perigrin),
Jeremy Fluhmann (jfluhmann),
Adam Foxson (Fhoxh),
Erik Sturcke,
Jack Foy,
Nova Patch (patch),
John Lightsey (J.D.),
Brad Lhotsky,
Nathaniel Smith (Nate),
John Anderson (genehack),
Joshua Gatcomb,
Jess Robinson (castaway),
brian janaszek,
Todd McDowell,
Marco Antonio Manzo (amnesiac),
Hari Ravella,
Kenneth Power,
Duane Brown (duaneb),
Lisa Wilcox,
Victor Stevko,
Michael Graham (magog),
Jaldhar Vyas (jaldhar),
Chris Muench (blasto333),
Marcus Del Greco,
Sean McCune (pghcoder),
Seth Viebrock,
Greg Alheid,
Paul Lalli (MrItty),
Doug Bell (preaction),
Hildo Biersma,
Terry Bates,
J. Nick Koston (bdraco),
Michael Aquilina (aquilina),
Packy Anderson,